但是,早在1969年的时候,美国的一本畅销书《Between Parent and Teenager》就提出了一个概念叫“直升机父母”(Helicopterparents)。说的是某些家长天天围着自己的孩子转,就像一个直升飞机一样。他们事无巨细,从孩子的饮食起居,到学业恋爱,都要插一手。他们的子女像是一台计算机一样,靠他们输入的各项指令生活。
Up until I left forcollege my bedtime was 9 every night, I wasn't supposed to be on the phone past8:30, I wasn't allowed to go outside by myself, couldn't have friends overafter 7, couldn't go to a boys house until the summer after high school. I hadto show my parents my grades every semester to show I was successful. I rodethe bus until my senior year because he wouldn't take me to get my licenseuntil I was. 17. He pretty much told me i had to attend a certain collegebecause it was x amount of time away from home.
-20 Children Of HelicopterParents Were Asked: 'What Was The Worst Thing They Put You Through?'